Industrial Power Quality Solutions

How APQ has helped clients in different industries – in basic terms 


One of the United States’ largest automotive manufacturers had a problem with their Paint Shop going down – this means that while the paint shop was down, cars were not being pushed through the conveyor system to be painted. For every hour that production was down, this client lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. APQ was called to test the factory’s power quality, determine what the issues were, and provide recommended solutions.


A branch of the U.S. military was experiencing problems with the electronics systems on a lot of their large ships. These ships contain millions of dollars’ worth of sensitive and critical systems aboard and if these systems don’t function properly or go offline, serious problems could occur. That’s when APQ was called to perform PQ Studies and ensure they were protected from outages.


APQ has done countless hours of work with hospitals, doctors’ offices, dentists and other medical facilities around the country. In these settings, it’s crucial that MRI machines, X-Ray machines, oxygen tanks and many other vital pieces of equipment stay fully operational for the health and safety of patients. APQ’s job is to make sure these facilities are protected from power quality anomalies. 


When cash registers, lights, A/C equipment, etc. go down, it’s very hard to stay open for customers and continue selling products. APQ Engineers have been directly involved in ensuring continued business operations for one of the largest pharmacies in the State of Florida, along with countless other retailers across the country. 

Electric Utilities

All electric utility companies across the United States (and likely the world!) deal with one common issue across the board – angry customers who blame the utility for the problems they are experiencing. No matter if we’re talking about a home, a business, an industrial facility or any other client that the utility serves, APQ can perform a PQ Study and truly determine what the cause of the issues are. It could be a utility problem, a problem from inside a customer’s facility, or can come from an external source (think lightning). With APQ’s experienced Engineers, we’ve determined the cause of an issue and recommended solutions for solving the issue. 

For more information contact APQ at 813-723-2776.

Check out our strategic partner company ALPHA POWER SYSTEMS

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